Saturday, March 8, 2014

Keep Calm and...

Today my roommate Ginny and I arrived in London for our Spring Break trip. We landed at around 8 AM, after an all-night flight. We then managed to navigate the tube to St. Pancras because we needed to catch a train up to Derby.

One weird thing I noticed while in St. Pancras station is that there are no rubbish bins anywhere. I searched far and wide, on both floors, to no avail. I feel like I was missing something obvious. Considering how tired I was, it was incredibly likely. 

Why Derby? Ginny has some friends in Derby from her last London excursion and so now we are staying at a lovely house with a lovely family, along with their two Golden Retrievers and one massive Newfoundland. We basically hung about until the evening, when we went on a stroll through some fields (with the dogs) in the unusually mild and clear weather. As Ginny's friend said, Derby is a good place to "acclimate" before we through ourselves into London life.

Needless to say, Ginny and I are a bit jet-lagged. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of some apparently delicious Indian take-away, and then we will probably crash. Tomorrow we shall storm a castle! And by storm, I mean tour! The weather is supposed to be mild again, and so it should be a successful trip. Plenty of pictures shall be taken.

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