Tuesday, May 28, 2013


After nearly 9 months away, I finally returned to Red Wolf Sanctuary yesterday! I always love going out there, but I must admit that the 5 baby foxes and 3 baby screech owls made it even more exciting. Of course, I had to say hi to an old friend before going on to meet new ones...Rosie was as much as a diva as ever, although it took her a few minutes to warm back up to me. After the initial skittishness was over, she was back to her photogenic self:

Once Rosie and I got reacquainted, I went to see the five fox kits. Unlike Rosie, the plan is to release these kits back into the wild. Rosie was just way too friendly to consider releasing. Like Rosie, however, these babies are VERY cute and photogenic:

When I tell you I took over 600 photos, I am not exaggerating. Also, enjoy some baby screech owls:
Believe it or not, I did do more besides photographing cute animals. In the morning, we working on the new bobcat enclosure. Red Wolf Sanctuary got a grant from (I can't remember the name of the foundation but it is from Cincinnati) and is building a new and improved outdoor enclosure for the bobcat. It is not easy to haul around hog fence and cut wires and balance on ladders, but at least the weather was pretty fantastic - nice and cool, even though it was sunny. 
After lunch, I helped to scoop bear poo and feed bears. I also helped to feed foxes and raptors. After nearly falling in one of the bear pens, my friend unwisely made the comment that she was surprised she hadn't actually fallen yet...so of course she later falls onto a decomposing deer carcass while feeding foxes later. Luckily she had spare clothes in the car.
That was pretty much the entire day. I was briefly introduced to a new Great Horned Owl who had his wing amputated. I think he is going to be trained to be an ambassador bird, which would be pretty awesome. I think I will be going pretty regularly on Saturdays, so keep an eye out for more updates!

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