Sunday, November 25, 2012

Since I ran out of wild animals...

...I'm just going to start posting about my dog. I realize that this is bordering on the pathetic, but a) I miss blogging every week b) I am miss frolicking with wild animals c) I am obsessed with my dog. So, I guess this is how it's going to be. I'm pretty sure you all know Guinness. And if you don't, well, here he is:
This week's theme was Doctor Who. Trust him, he's the Dogtor. If anyone follows me on FB or tumblr, then you've already seen this photo and the joke is old by now. But if you haven't, then revel in it please!
Now, this is Maverick:
He is not my dog, he is the family dog back home. However, over Thanksgiving break he came to the Lakehouse (Guinness did too) along with the rest of my immediate family. During the summer, this dog loves to dock jump. I mean, he is obsessed with three things in life: 1) water 2) his tennis ball 3)water. However, the lake has been lowered significantly due repairs that need to be completed on the dam. This means that our dock is at a 45-50º angle down a rocky mountainside. It isn't even touching water right now. Does this mean Maverick will be intimidated? Not at all! The first morning of vacation, he boldly went where no (intelligent) dog has gone before, sliding all the way down the dock, careening into the metal latter at the end, and flipping into the shallow water at the bottom. He cracked a few ribs but it didn't seem to slow him down at all until he realized that he could get on the couch if he acted pathetic enough. So he started to whine and moan and groan, and of course the boys let him up on the couch so he could nurse his hurt ribs. Thus the large German Shepherd napping on the flowery basement sofa! 

Anyways, I had a great Thanksgiving and I hope everyone else did as well!